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Activate iPhone 3G w/o SIM

Activate iPhone 3G w/o SIM

I have an old iPhone 3G that I had been using as essentially an iPod Touch for a while w/o the SIM (which is long gone). I was going to give it away to someone so I decided to “restore” it to wipe it. I should have done a bit more research as it turns out because “restoring” it means it is also “deactivated”. Is there a way to “activate” this thing to the level of an iPod Touch w/o a SIM? I don’t have any SIM and my iPad 3G uses a different size SIM.

The end result I am looking for is a device that can sync with iTunes w/o a problem.

option 1:
Just pop-in a already-activated iPhone SIM. plug to iTunes. And it will get activated. Pop the SIM out - and you are good to go. 

Another option is jailbreak, but it's a little more complicated. 

option 2:
Any iPhone SIM will do. A since it's doesn't effect the SIM, i wouldn't see a reason why you can't find a borrowed iPhone SIM just to get this activation process. You can also try with just AT&T 3G SIM not from iPhone, i've seen this working as well.
Check out  That may help if you are willing to go the JB route


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