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iPhone Battery Replacement - And Steps to measure problems in battery

iPhone3GS battery Replacement

The iPhone 3GS battery is starting to drain pretty fast these days. Usage was pretty much the same as
 before so I'm wondering if it's because of the age of my phone (about 18 mths). 

What are the things needs to be notified before goping to replace battery?

Before replacing the battery, 

  1. confirm that apps are not draining it due to activity. 
  2. Mail connectivity issues can cause excessive activity/drain. 
  3. Be sure PUSH notifications are off. 
  4.Restore to factory defaults and reconfig mail to get my drain issue fixed.  

I was dropping 25% in 1 hr.  To test… baseline the drain rate for an hour, then put into 
airplane mode to prevent all 3g/wifi activity and see what your drain is.  
If the drain lessens significantly, then it is not the battery.

iPhone Battery Replacement website
If the battery is bad, use for replacement parts, tools, and instructions.


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