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Find iPhone for Free Applications-Mobile Me apps problems

Find iPhone for Free Applications

The mobileme allows the user to use Find iPhone for free, I have this enabled on our iPhones. 
The issue is that the Find iPhone app that apple supplies..well...stinks. 
It crashes from time to time, doesn’t allow you to stay logged in.

Is anyone using something more reliable and that saves your login info?

Solutions for this problem

Right.. Most of the application allows you to choose to save authentication. I don't know what the
timeout is for Find iPhone but it seems like I need to authenticate every time I bring it up unless 
it's within a few minutes of the last time I polled it.

On the basis that when logged in you can track the phone/user's movements and remotely lock/wipe data, 
I'm not sure that needing to authenticate each session is a bad thing?

Surely the app is designed to be an occasional use, secure way of locating/wiping your device when
 lost/stolen rather than something you're permanently logged into?

So Just visit the website to solve the issue. 


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