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Self-Confidence and Effectiveness

Self-confidence is frequently related with success. Success leads to self-confidence, and self-confidence frequently appears to lead to success. We should be cautious, however, that we don't over generalize.

Other than self-confidence, people generally need particular abilities to be effective and efficient. These differ, depending on the circumstances. They may be technical skills connecting to the specific project or job they are dealing with, or they may be more general skills ­ such as those of interviewing, providing feedback, or evaluating strengths and weaknesses.

 In some instances people may be overconfident, or unreasonably self-confident, and this may cause them to ignore difficulties, or they may fall short to spend enough time and effort on preparation or performance.

In order to continue and maintain the right degree of self-confidence is a matter of balance. This may partially be a matter of timing. There are instances to confess to ambiguity, to invite the views and suggestion of others, to admit to lack of knowledge and to research facts. When all this has been done and you have made a judgment, it is time to affirm your situation with confidence and be prepared to justify it.


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