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Comparison between Plasma TV vs LCD Tv

Comparison between LCD Tv Vs Plasma Tv

Of course Plasma:

Contrast Ratio: Advantage - Plasma
Even the best of LCDs are still unable to produce 'deep blacks'.

Pixel Response & Blurring: Advantage - Plasma
This is specially so, with Fast-Moving video. Even the fastest LCDs struggle to produce blur-free images.

Bad Pixels: Advantage - Plasma
LCDs have a higher tendency to develop dead pixels.

Screen Burn-In: Advantage - LCD
Not a big concern any more with current Plasmas.

Colours: Advantage - Plasma
Plasma's can show billions of combinations of red, green & blue, while LCDs tend to have over-dominant greens & reds with an overall colour temperature unsuitable for video material.

Viewing Angle: Advantage – Plasma
LCDs suffer from picture quality loss, if watched from angles even as small as 45 degrees. 

Power Consumption: Advantage - LCD
Advantage is minimized, when compared to current Plasma models.

Overall Picture Quality: Advantage - Plasma
LCDs perform better only in unnaturally brightly lit showrooms. While, Plasmas have a more, natural looking picture, under normal household conditions.

Picture Resolution: Advantage - Tie
This is a non-issue for sizes over 40".

Longevity: Advantage - Tie
Plasma life is 100,000 hrs i.e. 45 yrs @ 6 hrs/day.

Price to Size Ratio: Advantage - Plasma
This advantage is even greater with larger sizes.


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